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Nahwan Nafisah? You mean that badass woman from Malaysia driving a Black Raven Cadillac Escalade V, spelling it N-A-H-W-A-N?
―Sugar Stamp's concerns on Nahwan Nafisah, Superheroes Unite

Ashlynn Susan Gretchen "Sugar Stamp" Peterson is a minor character featured in the film My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and Jake and the Never Land Pirates - Superheroes Unite. She is a female pegasus pony who works as a postwoman in Ponyville.


Sugar Stamp is voiced by Gwyneth Paltrow.

Depiction In MLP: FIM x Jake and the Never Land Pirates[]

Superheroes Unite![]

Sugar Stamp first appeared in the film Superheroes Unite in which she is a prisoner arrested by Princess Yui for not paying the taxes. She tries to escape prison by digging an underground tunnel, but she ended up making the alarm go off, prompting Miss Stamp to escape with a black Bentley Mulsanne Extended Wheelbase and knocking Lawkeeper Equity off the car's roof.

Throughout the film, Miss Stamp reaches a small town called Hope Hollow and warns all the ponies and humans about Princess Yui's evil plans. And thus, this action prompts Terramar and the Campbell-Patterson siblings (Daniel, Kate and Pamela) to enter the Mulsanne and head for Canterlot. Sugar Stamp is seen waiting outside Canterlot's city gates with Terramar, quickly escapes from Canterlot after Princess Yui wakes up, jumps off a ramp over the city gates after the guards shut it closed and engages a game of cat-and-mouse between herself and Princess Yui, causing death, pain and destruction along the way. Sugar Stamp is severely injured after Princess Yui bulldozes the Mulsanne which instantly causes the black car to rollover, causing severe cuts and wounds on her coat.

Once Richard, Kerfuffle, Fizzlepop and the Hope Hollow residents (including Captain Celaeno and her pirate parrots) shot Princess Yui to death, Sugar Stamp is recovered from her wounds and she watches both Richard and Kerfuffle becoming Equestria's rulers. She is last watching Daniel, Kate and Pamela leaving Equestria and after the post credits set to 30 years later, she becomes concerned at the old Disney Junior TV series Jake and the Never Land Pirates until Richard and Kerfuffle adds that the TV show Jake and the Never Land Pirates has became Equestria's biggest sensation. When Richard and Kerfuffle mentions Nahwan Nafisah to Sugar Stamp, she becomes obsessed with the show Jake and the Never Land Pirates.

The Lonely Food Worker[]

In the film The Lonely Food Worker, Sugar Stamp is seeing appearing next to Nahwan Nafisah sitting under a tree at the recreational park in Fort Lauderdale, Florida after Nafisah's failed attempt in finding Velvet Sky. Concerned at Nahwan Nafisah constantly watching the old Disney Junior TV series Jake and the Never Land Pirates too often, Nafisah assumes that the show Jake and the Never Land Pirates becomes a big hit in Canterlot High School and Crystal Prep Academy leading to all the students watching Jake and the Never Land Pirates more often. When Nafisah mentions Velvet Sky to Sugar Stamp, she adds that Velvie takes a job at Papa's Pancakeria serving pancakes, French toasts, waffles and different types of drinks ranging from coffee (normal or decaffeinated), orange juice, milk and tea.
